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I have chronic pain. It's best to avoid movement, right?


In an acute pain condition, such as an injury, an ankle sprain or some dental intervention, running away from the situation that caused the pain and avoiding movement in these cases are adaptive behaviors to avoid further suffering and in most of these cases, the healing process takes place. in a few days or weeks. However, this strategy is not always indicated and works, especially when we talk about chronic pain, like that old pain in the spine.

When something falls to the floor, to get out of bed or do any other day-to-day activity, it is common to adopt the strategy of avoiding the movement for excessive fear of causing some local injury, hurting or reoccurring local pain, and then movements are performed in blocks, protective, like robots, without moving the joints. Squat down by flexing your knees keeping your spine straight or not doing so many other simple movements.

The result of this attitude? Increased pain!

But how so? Lack of movement results in physical consequences such as loss of mobility, strength and conditioning. What supports a joint is muscle. If they are weak, there is no way to maintain good joint health and this generates a greater picture of disability and worsening pain, which makes the pain process a vicious cycle:

Our body is flexible! It's articulated! It is prepared for movement!

Understanding and welcoming the patient throughout the pain process and encouraging the practice of physical activity and gradual exposure to movement are essential points for successful treatment.

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Dra Ana Paula Grilo Salmaso


Crefito 3 119033-F

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