The Auricular Acupuncture Course, developed and taught by Dr Ana Paula is a complete course, consisting of 4 modules, totaling 32 hours of didactic and practical training. It is aimed especially at Health Professionals or those interested in working with Integrative Therapies.
"I found the course wonderful, exceeding my expectations. The didactic and practical material is excellent, the classes taught with excellence, with everyday examples applied in our clinical experience." Giovana, São Paulo / Brazil.
"This course exceeded my expectations, it showed that Auricular Acupuncture goes far beyond picking up the points, it will balance the person as a whole, working on the problem and improving the pain. It was wonderful and I learned a lot, I learned to see things that I have to improve in myself. After this course, I'm going to try to pay more attention to myself and take care of what my body shows. The course was wonderful and I believe there is nothing that needs to change. You are an excellent person and have the gift of teaching. Thank you so much for inviting me to participate in the course, thank you for being part of my life. May God bless you always! All the best for you." Claudinéia, Jundiaí / São Paulo / Brazil.